Friday, May 14, 2010

We'll Name It "The Food For Thought Act"

This article is in response to my class mate’s blog posting Texas, your fat.

In my opinion, obesity ranks second (first being education) on the list of the greatest social issues our society faces today. Having said that, you can see why I really like the idea of taxing foods which are deemed “bad” and using the revenue to bolster education. It's a win-win. I like the idea of having Texas’s growing population of obese people fund and educate Texas’s growing population of undereducated citizens; classic.

Both these issues are growing and getting worse with time, and both these issues are not currently being sufficiently dealt with. Having one fix the other , and in the process fix itself; Genius. It seems like a match made in heaven. A perfect place for government to get its nose into. The only problem now is to figure out what to tax and how much to tax it.

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